Quality builds are the most popular and effective currently. Refined infusion increases scaling of both stats, so a refined mace has B in str and B in dex. Quality means leveling both your strength and dexterity to 40. A sharp infusion is the opposite of the heavy infusion, a sharp mace has B scaling in dexterity and D scaling in strength. So, a heavy mace has A scaling in strength and no scaling in dexterity. A heavy infusion on a weapon reduces its dexterity scaling, and increases its strength scaling. To get it, you first have to defeat Wolnir and transpose his soul. Even though the Dark Souls III version seems to be the weakest of the series, its still fun to use- especially if youre in the middle of a mob. So, the mace has B scaling in strength and E scaling in dexterity. The weapon art for this sword is Wrath of the Gods - a Dark Souls favorite. A weapon that has an E scaling in strength will give you much less damage. This means if a weapon has A scaling in strength, and you have 60 strength, it will give you a huge damage bonus. The wiki shows a table of what scaling the weapon has with a specific stat. Let's say for example you chose the mace.
Then choose a specific weapon, and figure out how to build your stats around it. This is also a greatsword with one of the shorter ranges in the game. While this weapon has a decent damage output, with a D in both strength and dexterity, its about as middle of the road as it gets with weapons in Dark Souls 3. The Drake Sword is arguably the best weapon that can be found in Dark Souls early stages of the game, with nimble moderately damaging slashes and a ranged component to its two-handed heavy attacks.Its mild scaling renders it less useful the further the player progresses, but for new or inexperienced players, it handily outperforms any early-game common weapons. Start with going here, and choose a weapon class you'll have fun playing with. This sword is all about the basics, all the way from its simple design to its bare-bones moveset and weapon art. You probably shouldn't listen to what is "good" and what is "bad" on the internet. With 328 physical attack and 126 fire attack, the Old Kings Great Hammer stands as possibly the most powerful weapon in Dark Souls 3.

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